Hackathon on pipelines, grid and QC

Yesterday we had a succesfull joint hackathon in Haren accross BBMRI-NL bioinformatics and NBIC biobank and next generation sequencing task forces. Representatives were there from UMCG, AMC, LUMC and NBIC as well as guests of the local genomics coordination center/pipeline workgroup. First we had a series of short presentations on the progress in the SnpCallingPipeline (Freerk, Morris), general progress in NGS team (Leon) as well as pointers to automation of sample tracking (Morris) and analysis tracking (Joeri). Most of the afternoon were spend on establishing QC procedures (Jeroen, Kai, Wil), paving the way for the migration of the SnpCallingPipeline to the BigGrid? (Barbera, Mark, Freerk), exploring SNP annotation protocols (Alex, Barbera, Jeroen), and analyzing how and were the pipeline can be optimized for throughput time (David, Leon). All in all a great meeting that we hope to have more off. See http://www.bbmriwiki.nl/wiki/MeetingMinutes/2010_11_29 for minutes.


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