Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of BIOS_RSC_production

Nov 14, 2021 10:55:42 AM (3 years ago)
Leon Mei



  • BIOS_RSC_production

    v5 v6  
    1313= Step 2: Configuration of Researchdrive =
    1414* You will get an invitation email to join Researchdrive. After that, log into using your institutional credential. Choose "Login via SURFconnext". You may get an error message saying "Oops! Your SURF Research Drive account with email address <xxxx> and account <yyyyyy> could not be found. It seems that you do not have permission to use SURF Research Drive. Please contact the IT department of your institution or data steward of your project to request access to SURF Research Drive.". In this case, please forward this message to Leon Mei to so that he can properly share the datasets.
    15 * You should see a shared folder called "RSC_BIOS". There are two sub-directories: RP3_data and RP3_analysis. This folder is read-only and contains the prepared BBMRIomics data for downstream analysis.
    16 * You will also have a personal folder that is placed directly in the top level of your Researchdrive. This folder is your own personal storage place and you can write to (e.g., to create further directory structure). This folder is actually a writable short-cut to your personal folder under RSC_BIOS/Users. However you can't write to it via the path consisting RSC_BIOS/Users.
     15* You should see a shared folder called "RSC_BIOS". There are three sub-directories: "RP3_data", "RP3_analysis", and "Users". The first two folders are read-only and contains the prepared BBMRIomics data for downstream analysis. In "Users", you will find a personal folder with your name. This is your own personal storage place and you can write to (e.g., to create further directory structure).
    1716* '''Please be aware that there is no backup support of your data stored at Researchdrive, so make sure you arrange proper backup of your scripts and data yourself.'''
    3332= Step 5: Launch or access a BBMRIomics workspace =
    3433* In the main dashboard of Research Cloud, click "Create new workspace" and follow the instructions to configure and start a new workspace.
    35  * '''And about the expiration date, please try to keep a cost efficient timeline. If the VM is running without doing any jobs, it is a waste of our project resource!!!'''
     34 * '''And about the expiration date, please try to keep a reasonable timeline. If the VM is running without doing any jobs, it is a waste of our project resource!!!'''
    3635* As a member of the same CO, you can also access a running workspace created by another member in the same CO provided the owner agrees.
    3736* After you log into the Rstudio UI, you can run the following commands to verify if you have proper access to the BBMRIomics data.