= Annotation from SeattleSeq AnnotationTool = Annotate Files with Variants through Seattle Seq Annotation: http://gvs.gs.washington.edu/SeattleSeqAnnotation/ . The java code that wraps the forms is provided from SeattleSeq Annotation: http://gvs.gs.washington.edu/SeattleSeqAnnotation/SubmitSeattleSeqAnnotationAutoJob.java . This method wraps the wrapper(..) and provides a python implementation. In order to run there should be a directory under the current path, named "jars" with the following jar files: * httpunit.jar * js-1.6R5.jar * junit-3.8.1.jar * nekohtml-0.9.5.jar * xercesImpl-2.6.1.jar = Pipeline Elements = This section will describe all parts of our annotation pipeline, the scripts have, and the features it will return. ||'''script'''||'''feature'''||'''description'''||'''source'''|| ||1KGannotation.py||alleleFreq||allele freq in 1KG||1KG|| ||TODO|||||||| |||||||||| = End of Pipeline = = Related work = * http://www.svaproject.org/ * http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.1001074